Newsletter - December 2022
Newsletter – December, 2022
Greetings from the desk of the Pastor! Can it be true? Is December really here already? As many of you know, I took a quick vacation in the middle of the month that brought me to the other side of the state. As we were heading to my in-laws house, the west side of the state was experiencing what I can only describe as a snow-pocalypse! A good three feet of snow met us on the of the roads, but the crews did a great job clearing things and we made great time, arriving both there and back safely
It can feel that way in life, can’t it? Holiday seasons are so great for completely overwhelming us, burying our calendar in a mountain of unexpected snow. One thing that I found very reassuring during our travels is that we were headed to a place where we were loved. We knew that even if we were running late – or the trip wasn’t exactly what we expected, there was family waiting patiently for us on the other end of the trip.
For December, Flushing United Methodist Church has SO MANY amazing events happening – but I hope you hold on to that truth. That even if the road is not what you expect, or the journey is slower than you thought it would be – God is waiting on the other side, waiting to call you beloved. So let’s look at the calendar!
December 1-3 – Candlewalk
Every year we are a warming center for our local downtown holiday event! After the pandemic downturn, we are thrilled to welcome the dance troupe AND the ladies of the UWF will be selling their classic Tea-Rings! There are order forms available on the welcome center or in the church office.
December 11 – Blue Christmas
For the first time in years we’ve decided to host a Blue Christmas service. If you’re unfamiliar – Blue Christmas is about comforting fellow Chrsitians who are grieving and struggling to find joy and hope during the season. We know it’s been a hard year for a lot of people in a lot of ways for a lot of reasons – and so we want to carve out time in all the festivities to seek comfort while grieving together.
December 16 – Parsonage Open House
Sara and I are excited to open our home for a church wide open house on December 16th. We will have cookies and punch, a house full of decorations and everyone is invited to come and enjoy the holiday season.
December 18 – Christmas Tapestry
Back by popular demand, our Worship Director Christie Dover is putting together another Christmas musical program! We invite you to celebrate the birth of our Lord with harps and lyres (and if we can’t find any of those – maybe we can find some other instruments and voices too).
December 21 – Children’s Christmas Pageant
Our wonderful Christian Education Director Melissa is putting together a children’s program that will be held on December 21, at 6pm. The kids had such a great time with it last year, they’re thrilled to be back again this year!
December 24 – 5pm and 7pm service
There will be a traditional worship service at 5pm and a contemporary worship service at 7pm. Both services will have communion and a candlelight vigil. Don’t forget this favorite of holiday traditions!
December 25 – Christmas Day Hymn Sing! This year is very unique in that Christmas morning actually FALLS ON a Sunday! It happens every 7-8 years, but always presents us with a tricky dilemma. We’ve decided that we will have ONE service at 10am, and we will offer a “hymn-sing” during service. For those who are unfamiliar – a hymn sing is an opportunity for the congregation to share what songs they would LIKE to sing, and then we sing them!
It's a busy Christmas season, covered in calendar snow – but God is waiting for us at the end of this journey. Waiting to call us beloved. Until then, I’ll see you on Sunday. Pastor JJ